Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Painting for Joy and Charity

What an amazing week this has been! It started when I had the pleasure of going to see War Room at the movie theater with my neighbor and good friend Kathy. I loved the movie. We laughed and cried and felt convicted.

Then came a time of fasting and prayer to support an amazing event in Birmingham, Alabama where thousands of Christians marched, sang, prayed and expressed a unity of faith and a desire to do something real to help the genocide of Christians happening in the Middle East today.

The word has been spread through the internet about the policies of the United States government which will not allow Christians to come here to seek asylum. We as a nation turned away Jews and sent them back to Nazi Germany during those dark days. We are repeating that evil act today.

The government of Iceland said that they would take 60 people into their small country of 300,000 people. One woman thought that was not enough and so she got on facebook and asked who would take a family into their own home. Within 24 hours 10,000 people had said yes, we will. They all urged their government to do more.

And our government is saying no, none. So, I prayed and thought what can I do? I have no money to contribute. Going on twitter and posting a silly hashtag will not help anyone who is praying not to be murdered or to not have their girls raped. What could I do? I could pray and I am. I hope you will too.

And I can paint. So today I have placed a new planner insert on ETSY. You see it here. I am charging $5.99 for a two page digital download that can be used as a planner insert or any other way you choose. It costs me a few cents to place an item on ETSY and a few more for PayPal to process it. Everything about that I will be donating to Mercury One and the Nazarene Project. It is the prayer of the folks at Mercury One to raise $3 million dollars before Christmas to get many of these families out of the Middle East.

The United States will not take them, but other countries will. It takes $25,000.00 to rescue one family. The pennies I will earn from ETSY are the only way I can help.

It is my joy to ask you to help me help them.And it will be my joy to pray for each and everyone of you who buys this little offering I am making to pray for you and your families by name every day this year.

True joy comes to me when I serve God and place myself out there to serve others.

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